Business Delegation on Smart City Solutions, Sustainable Mobility, Public Transport, and AI

From October 21 to 25, 2024, GACC Midwest and GACC New York are hosting a business delegation trip to New York City and Chicago on the topic of smart city solutions. This program focuses on sustainable mobility, public transport solutions, and AI, bringing together Germans and Americans through expert conferences, site visits, and B2B meetings over the course of the trip. The program offers delegates the unique opportunity to explore and strengthen transatlantic collaborations and partnerships, expanding their company networks through authentic and in-person intellectual exchange. 

Join Our Business Roundtable & Conference Events

We are calling US stakeholders from the smart city ecosystem to connect with our German delegates at our conferences in New York and Chicago. Please reach out if you are interested in becoming a speaker at any of our events. More information about the conference and roundtable agendas, speakers, and participating companies will follow soon. 

Show Your Innovations

As a US expert in the field: Let us know if you would like to invite the German delegation to your company or organization and show them around your site and discuss your industrial decarbonization and energy efficiency strategies with them.  

Meet Our Delegates Face to Face

Our chosen German companies and innovators (up to twelve) will be eager to explore partnership opportunities with US stakeholders! If you are interested in connecting with our German delegates, GACC Midwest will facilitate individual meetings at your request from October 23 - 25, 2024. 

Join Our Delegation as a German Participant

In cooperation with SBS systems for business solutions and on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the GACCs are calling German experts and SMEs who are interested in exploring the US market, growing their network, and identifying market opportunities. Among the target group for participants are representatives of small and medium-sized German companies operating in the areas of smart cities, sustainable mobility, public transportation solutions, urban development and the digitalization of city processes. 

Why join? 

  • Individually organized meetings with potential business partners, clients, distributors, and more 
  • Showcase your company, products, and technologies at public conferences 
  • Comprehensive market report and webinar in preparation for the trip  
  • Briefing events on market trends and opportunities, as well as legal and cultural topics 
  • Identification of new business opportunities in the US
  • Site visits and group meetings with local stakeholders 

The registration deadline is July 15, 2024. For further information and registration, please contact Jan-Felix Kederer or click here.

In recent years, “smart cities” and the opportunities they offer in urban development and sustainability have become an important discussion topic. Accordingly, investment opportunities in this area have proliferated alongside skyrocketing levels of innovation, political incentives, and awareness among the US public. It is estimated that local administrations in the US will invest around 41 trillion USD in innovative technologies over the next 20 years targeted at the optimization of infrastructure. With the US’s urbanization rate increasing by almost 20% in the last two decades, the country faces challenges to its urban environment, including difficulties managing particulate matter, carbon dioxide emissions, waste disposal, recycling, water requirements, limited available living space, and other damaging environmental repercussions. To counteract this, policy makers and innovators in the private sector have identified the maintenance of quality of life in these urban centers as a common social goal. 

Sustainable cities are climate-neutral and resource-efficient in the long-term, providing their inhabitants with high natural resource quality and practical, affordable, efficient and safe mobility and logistics infrastructures. These optimal conditions have made intelligent urban planning and innovative transportation concepts — both key aspects of smart cities — increasingly crucial areas of study and R&D. The push toward "smart mobility" spurs demand for creative technological solutions in the areas of data analysis, artificial intelligence, and IoT. These innovative technologies and the diverse ways in which they can be applied create lucrative intellectual and practical opportunities for German companies working in the smart city sector.