LinkedIn for Networking and Sales in the US
Event Language

*Registrants will receive a separate calendar invite after signing up
Event Start
02/15/2024 · 07:30 AM
Event End
02/15/2024 · 10:00 AM

This workshop will introduce and demonstrate the optimal use of LinkedIn and LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

The first part of the workshop focuses on how to optimally use LinkedIn to represent the employer on this platform. Here, the optimal design of the personal profile on LinkedIn for different roles in the company will be discussed. In addition, general etiquette on LinkedIn will be addressed and how employees can support the company's branding on LinkedIn.
The second part of the workshop focuses specifically on using LinkedIn and LinkedIn Sales Navigator for business development.
The following topics will be covered:
1. Targeting - Preparing the Ideal Client Profile and Using Sales Navigator for Prospecting.
2. Engagement - Become the Go-To Person in Your Field
3. Outreach & Communication - The perfect InMail, Email and Phone Follow up
The workshop will be held virtually and in English. The number of participants is limited to allow for questions, to address individual issues and to make the workshop interactive.

We look forward to seeing you at the LinkedIn workshop!

Anna Hack

Anna Hack

Senior Manager, Consulting Services