401(k) Multiple Employer Plan

Start offering attractive retirement benefits by joining our MEP:

As of 2024, we offer a 401(k) Multiple Employer Plan to all GACC members US-wide.

A strong retirement benefit program can help businesses gain a competitive edge by attracting and retaining top talent. However, it can also bring added costs and responsibilities. That's where a Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) comes in. It's an attractive option for businesses looking to ease the administrative burden, fiduciary risk, and expenses associated with offering a quality retirement plan.

How You Benefit

Flexible Plans

  • Customizable plan designs

Quick Onboarding

  • Simplified administration and start-up fees

Less Paperwork

  • No individual annual audit or Form 5500 filing

Cost Savings

  • Potential reductions through pooled assets

Attract Talent

  • Workforce benefit and competitive edge

Did you know?

  • 88% of companies in the US offer their employees a 401(k) plan*
  • 88% of employees say a 401(k) is a must-have benefit**
  • 75% would refuse a new job if it did not offer a 401(k) plan***

Plan offered in cooperation with:

*Plan Sponsor Council of America 2022 |** Schwab 401(k) Participant Survey 2023 |*** U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2023